IM DLM3054-03EN
History waveform display
and searching
The instrument can search for history waveforms that meet the specified conditions and display
them as well as display a list of the timestamps of those waveforms.
You can set a search condition to search for history waveforms that enter a rectangular zone (Simple)
or search on the AND or OR logic of four conditions
The following search modes are available.
No conditions.
Rectangular zone. Cannot be used on LOGIC or FFT waveforms.
Waveform zone. Cannot be used on XY, LOGIC or FFT waveforms.
Polygonal zone. Cannot be used on LOGIC or FFT waveforms.
Zone between the upper and lower limits of one waveform parameter.
The search criterion is either the source waveform entering or exiting the search range.
Waveform searching
Searches the displayed waveform for locations that meet the specified conditions and zooms in on
the detected points.
Up to 50000 points can be detected within the specified search range.
Search feature: Searches for a specific area after a specific time (Start Point, End Point) on
the displayed waveform and displays the result in the zoom window. The
selectable range for Start Point and End Point is ±5 div.
Search Type: Edge, Pattern, Pulse Width, Timeout
Cursor measurement
The following cursors are available.
ΔT, ΔV, ΔT & ΔV, Marker, Degree
Automated measurement of
waveform parameters
The following waveform parameters can be automatically measured.
• Items that are measured over the entire specified range of data and are irrelevant to the period:
Max, Min, P-P, High, Low, Amplitude, Rms, Mean, Sdev, , IntegTY, +Over, -Over,
Pulse Count, Edge Count
• Items that are measured in the first period in the specified range:
Freq, Period, Burst, +Width, -Width, Duty, Rise, Fall, Delay
• Items that are measured over all periods in the specified range:
AvgFreq, AvgPeriod
ΔT & ΔV cursor values:
V1, V2, ΔT
For logic signals, the following items are selectable.
Freq, Period, AveFreq, Duty, Pulse Count, Delay
In cycle mode, the following items are valid.
Max, Min, P-P, High, Low, Amplitude, Rms, Mean, Sdev, , IntegTY, +Over, -Over
The maximum total number of items that can be displayed in Area1 and Area2 on the screen is 30.
Statistical processing of
waveform parameters
The following three statistical processing functions are available.
Calculates statistics on normal measurement that is performed multiple times.
Calculates statistics on the measurement of each period of the displayed
Calculates statistics on the measurements of multiple history waveforms.
The statistical processing results are as follows:
Statistical items: Max, Min, Mean, σ, Count
The maximum total number of items that can be displayed on the screen is 9.
Trend display and histogram
display of waveform
Up to two trends or histograms of the specified measurement items (one on the DLM3022,
DLM3032, DLM3052) can be displayed.
The maximum total number of items that can be displayed in Area1 and Area2 on the screen is 9.
Enhanced parameter
Performs automated measurement of waveform parameters on the second area (Area2).
In addition to the area for the normal automated measurement of waveform parameters (Area1;
described earlier), you can specify another area for performing additional automated measurement
of waveform parameters (Area2). In addition, calculations can be performed using the automated
measurement values of waveform parameters.
The maximum total number of items that can be displayed in Area1 and Area2 on the screen is 30.
Frequency distribution
Counts the frequency of data occurrence in a specified area and displays the values in a histogram.
You can select whether to count the frequency on the voltage or time axis.
The mean, standard deviation, maximum value, minimum value, peak value, median, etc., can be
measured on the histogram.
You can set up to two histogram source waveforms (Hist1, Hist2) (Hist only on the DLM3022,
DLM3032, DLM3052).
A specific action can be executed when the instrument triggers.
You can set the number of times to execute the action on the basis of the number of waveform
acquisitions or the number of determinations.
Actions: Beeping, screen capture data printing or saving, waveform data saving, mail transmission
6.5 Features