1.4 Functions
1.4.1 SERVOPACK Functions
This section lists the functions provided by SERVOPACKs. Refer to the following manuals for
details on the functions.
-7S SERVOPACK with MECHATROLINK-III Communications References Product Manual
(Manual No.: SIEP S800001 28)
-7S SERVOPACK with MECHATROLINK-III Communications References and RJ-45 Connectors Product
Manual (Manual No.: SIEP S800001 62)
Functions in bold boxes in the functions tables are restricted if the above SERVOPACKs are
used. Refer to the following section for details on restrictions to these functions.
Function Application Restrictions
Functions Related to the Machine
Power Supply Type Settings for the Main Circuit and Control Circuit
Automatic Detection of Connected Motor
Motor Direction Setting
Setting the Linear Encoder Pitch
Writing Linear Servomotor Parameters
Selecting the Phase Sequence for a Linear Servomotor
Polarity Sensor Setting
Polarity Detection
Overtravel Function and Settings
Holding Brake
Motor Stopping Method for Servo OFF and Alarms
Resetting the Absolute Encoder
Setting the Origin of the Absolute Encoder
Setting the Regenerative Resistor Capacity
Operation for Momentary Power Interruptions
SEMI F47 Function
Motor Maximum Speed Setting
Software Limits and Settings
Multiturn Limit Setting
Adjustment of Motor Current Detection Signal Offset
Forcing the Motor to Stop
Overheat Protection
Speed Ripple Compensation
Current Control Mode Selection
Current Gain Level Setting
Speed Detection Method Selection
Fully-closed Loop Control
Safety Function
External Latches
Triggers at Preset Positions
Rotational Coordinate System