5.2 Debugging a Motion or a Sequence Program
5.2.10 Alarm Code Details
Alarm Code Details
This section describes the alarm codes that are used in motion programs.
Structure of Motion Program Alarms
The following figure shows the structure of the alarm codes.
Motion Program Alarm Codes
The following table lists the alarm codes for motion programs.
Alarm Name
Alarm Description
Corrective Action
02 hex
Division error
The data was divided by 0.
Correct the motion program.
10 hex
Turn specified
instead of radius
A number of turns (T) was specified
instead of a radius for a circular or
helical interpolation instruction.
Convert the radius setting to a
center point coordinate setting to
execute the circular or helical
interpolation instruction.
Do not specify a number of turns.
11 hex
Interpolation feed
speed over limit
The interpolation feed speed setting
exceeded the setting range of the
FMX instruction.
Correct the feed speed setting of
the interpolation instruction.
12 hex
No interpolation
feed speed setting
The interpolation feed speed has
never been set. (If you set it once, fur-
ther settings can be omitted within
the same program.)
Set the feed speed using the inter-
polation instruction.
13 hex
Range exceeded
after acceleration
parameter conver-
The indirectly designated acceleration
parameter exceeded the setting
Change the value of the register
that is used for the indirect desig-
14 hex
Circular arc length
exceeded LONG_-
The circular arc length that was spec-
ified for a circular or helical interpola-
tion instruction exceeded the setting
Correct the circular arc length set-
ting for the circular or helical inter-
polation instruction.
15 hex
No vertical axis set
for the circular arc
The vertical axis was not set for a cir-
cular or helical interpolation instruc-
Set the axis with the PLN instruc-
16 hex
No horizontal axis
set for the circular
arc plane
The horizontal axis was not set for a
circular or helical interpolation instruc-
Set the axis with the PLN instruc-
17 hex
Number of axes
over limit
The number of specified axes
exceeds the limit of a circular interpo-
lation instruction (2 axes max.) or a
helical interpolation instruction (3
axes max.).
Correct the axis setting of the cir-
cular or helical interpolation instruc-
18 hex
Number of turns
over limit
The number of turns that was speci-
fied for a circular or helical interpola-
tion instruction exceeded the setting
Correct the number of turns setting
of the circular or helical interpola-
tion instruction.
19 hex
Radius exceeded
The radius that was specified for a
circular or helical interpolation instruc-
tion exceeded the setting range.
Correct the radius setting for the
circular or helical interpolation
Continued on next page.
Bit F
Bit C
Bit 8
Bit 7
Bit 0
Alarm Axis Information (1 to 32)
Alarm Code (Axis alarm when bit 7 is ON.)