4.1 User Program Types and Execution Timing
4.1.2 Motion Programs
Creating User Programs
Monitoring the Execution Information on the Motion Pro-
gram with S Registers
You can monitor execution information on the motion program with the S registers (SW03200
to SW05119 and SW08192 to SW09215).
The execution information is monitored differently, depending on whether the motion program
is called from a ladder program with an MSEE instruction, or the motion program is registered
in the M-EXECUTOR program execution definitions.
This section describes these two monitoring methods.
When the Motion Program Is Called from the Ladder Program with an
MSEE Instruction
When a motion program is called from the ladder program with an MSEE instruction, the moni-
toring method depends on the setting of bit D (System Work Number Setting) in the Motion
Program Control Signals.
When Bit D (System Work Number Setting) in the Motion Program Control Signal Is
The execution information is reported in the Work n Program Information registers (SW03264 to
SW05119 and SW08192 to SW09215).
For example, if the system work number is 1, you can monitor the execution information of the
motion program with the Work 1 Program Information registers (SW03264 to SW03321).
When Bit D (System Work Number Setting) in the Motion Program Control Signal Is
The system automatically determines the system work number to use. You can check the work
numbers that are in use in the Active Program Numbers registers (SW03200 to SW03215).
For example, to monitor the MPM001 motion program and SW03202 is 001, that means the
system number is 3. You can therefore monitor the execution information of the MPM001
motion program using the Work 3 Program Information registers (SW03380 to SW03437).
When the Motion Program Is Registered in M-EXECUTOR Program
Execution Definitions:
When the motion program is registered in the M-EXECUTOR program execution definitions, the
system work number will be the same as the definition number.
For example, if the motion program is registered with definition number 3, system work number
3 will be used. In this case, you can monitor the execution information of the motion program
with the Work 3 Program Information registers (SW03380 to SW03437).
Refer to the following section for the register ranges for the motion program execution informa-