5 Register I/O Specifications
5.3.1 Register Input Modules
d) Select Timings (T
, T
(1) Select Timing T1
Any of the values listed in the following tables can be selected for Select Timing
T1 when the cycle is set to “USER SET.”
The MEMOSOFT is set by default to
3.5 ms
(2) Select Timing T2
Any of the values listed in the following tables canbe selected for Select Timing
T2 when the cycle is set to “USER SET.”
The MEMOSOFT is set by default to
0.5 ms
e) Data Reading Timing
The data reading timing is shown in the following diagram.
Fig. 5.1 Data Reading Timing
Table 5.3 Select Timing T1
Select Timing T1
0.9 ms
7.5 ms
14.5 ms
21.5 ms
28.5 ms
1.0 ms
8.0 ms
15.0 ms
22.0 ms
29.0 ms
1.5 ms
8.5 ms
15.5 ms
22.5 ms
29.5 ms
2.0 ms
9.0 ms
16.0 ms
23.0 ms
30.0 ms
2.5 ms
9.5 ms
16.5 ms
23.5 ms
30.5 ms
3.0 ms
10.0 ms
17.0 ms
24.0 ms
31.0 ms
3.5 ms
10.5 ms
17.5 ms
24.5 ms
31.5 ms
4.0 ms
11.0 ms
18.0 ms
25.0 ms
32.0 ms
4.5 ms
11.5 ms
18.5 ms
25.5 ms
32.5 ms
5.0 ms
12.0 ms
19.0 ms
26.0 ms
33.0 ms
5.5 ms
12.5 ms
19.5 ms
26.5 ms
33.5 ms
6.0 ms
13.0 ms
20.0 ms
27.0 ms
34.0 ms
6.5 ms
13.5 ms
20.5 ms
27.5 ms
34.5 ms
7.0 ms
14.0 ms
21.0 ms
28.0 ms
35.0 ms
Table 5.4 Select Timing T2
Select Timing T2
0.4 ms
1.5 ms
3.0 ms
4.5 ms
0.5 ms
2.0 ms
3.5 ms
5.0 ms
1.0 ms
2.5 ms
4.0 ms
Reads data