Configuration Menu
Option 3 - Initialize server and port parameters
To select this option, answer 4 to the "Enter menu selection" prompt. The server prompts:
When the software has been loaded, should
default server and port parameters be used (Y,N) [N]?
Valid answers are Y (yes) and N (no). Type your answer and press <RETURN>; the MAXserver 1600
returns you to the Configuration menu.
The parameter initialization takes effect after you exit from the Configuration menu and the MAXserver
1600 loads its image (assuming that you specify that the MAXserver 1600 should save the changes --
Option S). Changes you have made through the ROM Configuration menu take place after you exit from
the menu.
If you decide that you do not want to revert to the initial values, you can again select Option 3 from
the Configuration menu, and answer No to the preceding prompt, or exit without saving the changes
(i.e., select Option X).
Option 4 - Revert to stored configuration
To select this option, answer 3 to the "Enter menu selection" prompt. The MAXserver 1600 prompts:
Revert to the stored configuration (Y,N) [N]? y
Valid answers are Y (Yes) and N (No). If you answer No, the MAXserver returns you to the Configuration
menu. If you answer Yes, the MAXserver displays the messages:
Configuration reset to stored values.
(Type any key to continue)
Press any key; the MAXserver 1600 returns you to the Configuration menu (Figure 4-1). You can then exit
from the Configuration menu using Option S or X.