Getting Started
Initialize Connected Devices
The MAXserver 1600 is shipped with a default configuration (parameter) file that sets all serial ports to
operate with asynchronous ASCII terminal devices. If you are not connecting keyboard terminals or PCs
running terminal emulation software, proceed to Section 2.9.2.
Terminals and Other Keyboard Devices
MAXserver 1600 serial ports are configured to adjust, automatically, to the communication speed
(110 - 38.4K bps) of a connected terminal that is set up as follows:
8 bits, No Parity
-- or --
7 bits, Even Parity
When your terminal is properly connected to the MAXserver 1600, turn its power ON, then press
<RETURN> (or ENTER) a few times -- until the MAXserver 1600 recognizes the terminal. When the
MAXserver 1600 responds, you see the following message on your screen:
Welcome to the Xyplex Terminal Server.
Enter username>
Type your name, your initials, or a nickname, then press RETURN again. You can type up to 16
characters (numbers or letters). This name is your identifier during this session. If you choose, you can
change it each time you make a connection to the MAXserver 1600. It will be shown whenever you or
any other person on the network requests information about who is connected to the MAXserver 1600.
After you enter your username, the MAXserver 1600 returns the local command prompt:
The MAXserver 1600 is now ready to accept any of the commands described in the TCP/IP-LAT Software
User's Guide. You can obtain on-screen information about the terminal server commands by typing HELP
and pressing <RETURN>: