Configuration Menu
If you answer Y, proceed to Step 5.
If you select N, the MAXserver 1600 prompts:
Select (XMOP, MOP, BOOTP, RARP) dump load methods: []
Valid answers to this prompt are X (Xyplex Proprietary protocol), M (DEC MOP loader), B (BOOTP) or
R (RARP). You can select up to four methods. The prompt appears again after you enter your selection,
enabling you to enter another dumping method. Press <RETURN> to proceed to the next prompt.
Selecting X enables the MAXserver 1600 to dump its memory contents to a Xyplex MAXserver
Manager when a crash occurs. Selecting M enables the MAXserver 1600 to dump memory via the
DEC MOP loader protocol. Selecting B enables the MAXserver 1600 to dump memory at a BOOTP
host. Selecting R enables the MAXserver 1600 to dump memory via RARP.
5. If you have selected the XMOP or MOP loading method(s), you see the following prompt. (If you do
not see this prompt, proceed to Step 6.)
XMOP/MOP load filename (16 characters max) [MX1500]:
This prompt requests the Xyplex/MOP load file name. There are two types of valid answers to
this prompt -- file names or numerical values. Valid file names consist of up to 16 characters,
which can be letters and numbers, the underscore character (_), the hyphen character (-), and the
period (.) character. The default Xyplex/MOP load file name is MX1500. (The actual name of
the load file is MX1500.SYS. In the default load filename (MX1500), the .SYS suffix is implicit.
You can use numerical values to specify that a MAXserver loader is to determine the appropriate load
file based on:
The MAXserver's hardware type, or:
A Node entry in the client database of the MAXserver loader
You can also use numerical values to specify that a MOP (Maintenance Operations Protocol) loader is to
determine the appropriate load file based on the contents of the NCP (Network Control Program) database.
Valid numerical values consist of the pound-sign character (#) and a number in the range of 0 through
128. Xyplex load servers respond to the numbers #1 through #5. The default numerical value is #1. The
numerical value #1 allows you to specify a load file name via the NCP commands at a VAX/VMS load
server, or via client entries on a MAXserver loader. Numerical values #2 through #4 are reserved for use
by Xyplex. The numerical value #5 requires a Xyplex load server, which can be a MAXserver 1600
with a Memory card, a MAXserver 1800/1820 or a MAXserver Manager card (MAXMAN), to ignore the
load request -- unless the load server's client database contains a node entry for the requesting terminal
server. (The numerical value #5 is useful when you want to require that a specific Xyplex load server
be used to load a MAXserver.) Numerical values #6 through #128 are currently undefined.
Type your answer and press <RETURN>.