3500 Series Flat Panel Industrial PC
The last character of every macro is the end of the macro (EOM) and cannot be de-
Copy copies a sequence of scan codes from the macro into memory. To select the
section to copy:
1. Place the cursor on the first character to copy. Press
1 and select Copy.
2. Press
. Copy should still be highlighted, but the cursor will appear on the
Edit line.
3. Move the cursor on the last character to copy and press
The copied item does not appear on the screen until you select
Paste inserts a sequence of scan codes (which were saved in memory using Copy)
into the macro. To paste a sequence of scan codes that were previously copied, posi-
tion the cursor where you want the text to appear and then press
1. Select Paste and
then press
. Codes displays a table of keys and their scan codes in Hex. See the
Codes section in this chapter for a complete code listing. Hex/Decimal toggles be-
tween displaying the scan codes in Hex and Decimal formats. Insert toggles between
insert and overtype mode.
Upload Menu
Use the Upload Menu to choose which data to load. Choices in this menu are: Combo
Keypad, Keypad Version, and Exit.
Combo Keypad
Commands the keyboard controller to send its entire macro set for the keypad.
Keypad Version
Commands the keyboard controller to send its firmware revision number.
Returns to the Main Menu.
Only one macro set may reside in memory at one time.
A checksum will be calculated during transmission. If an error occurs, an error message
will display.
Download Menu
When you select Download, any macro set previously programmed is
Download sends the set of keypad macros to the keyboard controller. The macro set must
reside in memory before it can be downloaded. A checksum is calculated during trans-
mission and an error message displays if an error occurs.