3500 Series Flat Panel Industrial PC
such as dust, moisture, etc. Metal enclosures also help minimize the effects of electro-
magnetic radiation that may be generated by nearby equipment.
Once the conditions in the preceding sections have been met, follow the instructions below to
mount the unit:
Locate a position for your system that meets the specifications required (see previous
sections and Appendix A).
Cut the hole according to the cutout dimensions in Figure 3-22.
Make sure the area around the cutout is clean and free from metal burrs.
Install the unit.
Attach the power cable making sure that the 3515/3512KPM enclosure is grounded
through the power cable.
On a system with an AC power supply, attach the connector retainer bracket; on a system
with a DC power supply, attach the aluminum p-clamp.
Implement the proper grounding techniques. Establish a ground path from the
3515/3512KPM chassis to the enclosure chassis. A 6-32 threaded ground point (
) hole
is provided on the left back of the front panel (as viewed from the front) of the unit.
There is also an internal ground point (
Tighten the
14-#10 nuts to 27 inch pounds (3.0456 Newton-meters).
If you use the CD-ROM, use of controls, adjustments, or the perform-
ance of procedures other than those specified herein, may result in haz-
ardous radiation exposure.
System Cutout Dimensions
Figure 3-22. System Cutout Dimensions