3408/3410/3412 Series Industrial PC System Manual
Exit closes open files and exits the utility.
can also be used for this purpose and for
exiting the other menus.
Files Menu
You can save files containing keypad macro sets (a macro for each key) on disk, and then
loaded them into memory to view, edit, teach, or download to the keyboard controller.
Some of these files may be included in the utility package for use in reconfiguring the
keypads for different software packages, and as templates for defining completely new
keypad macro sets.
When you choose Files, a pull-down menu displays that provides the following choices:
Open, Close, Save, Save As, Delete, and Exit. The following table describes the menu
Opens a file that contains a macro set for the keypad and loads the con-
tents into memory. Any macro set in memory is overwritten. Once loaded,
the macro set is available to edit, view, teach, or download to the key-
board controller.
Clears the macro set from memory and closes the file from which they
Copies the macro set from memory back into its original file. The original
file contents are overwritten.
Save As
Creates a new file under the specified name and copies the macro set
from memory into it. For example, to define different sets of codes, save
each set under a different name and download the one you wish to use.
Deletes a file.
Returns to the Main Menu.
Macros Keypad Type Menu
When you select Macros, a pull down menu displays and provides the following choices:
Function Keys, Alpha Keys, and Exit. Also, another pull down menu displays the fol-
lowing choices once the Macros menu is chosen: Exit, View, Teach, and Edit.
You must have a macro file in memory before the Macros Menu is avail-
able. To load a macro file, Open a file or Upload macros.
Function Keys
Selects the function keys on the keypad to either view, edit, or teach.
Alpha Keys
Selects the alpha keys on the keypad to either view, edit, or teach.
Returns to the main menu.