MX Series — MX24 Operating Instructions
Page 39
Appendix IV: AES options configuration (MX24-A)
Using the configuration utility, it is possible to change how the MX24 works with AES signals —
fix the output sample rate at either 48kHz or 96kHz, and/or disable the external word clock
sync input. Additionally, each set of AES inputs for A/B can be configured to work in a two
channel mode only (so ignoring inputs 3&4 for the purposes of redundancy operation).
The signals output from inputs 3&4 can also be changed to be a copy of 1&2 or a sum of 1&2.
Configuring the GPI port
Connect the MX24 to the network via its CONTROL Ethernet port, and run the utility app
(available from the website under the MX Series product page) — if it’s the first time it has run,
Windows will ask about allowing it through the firewall — be sure to tick
options before
pressing “Allow Access”.
Your MX24 should then be located on your network:
Press the “Options” button to access some configuration choices as shown overleaf: