MX Series — MX24 Operating Instructions
Page 17
Input / Backup Source Select
1: Primary Input Source Selections: Choose Analogue, or Digital for the main source for each
input set (A/B). Works in conjunction with 2.
2: Backup Source Selection: Choose whether to use a backup source — if primary is
analogue, you cannot select a backup.
3: Locked/Safe LED: If the padlock button is active, the corresponding locked/safe LEDs
show which sections cannot be adjusted. All Line Monitoring functions always remain
accessible, as do the Listen functions in the MIC / Line section.
4: Meter Outs Scaling: When the METER OUT button is enabled, the middle four columns of
LEDs show real time output levels for the main outputs as designated by these labels.
Pressing any source select button will cancel this and switch back to show input source