This command queries the Remote Sense calculation status. The response is:
DORMANT – No calculation is active.
CALCULATING – A calculation is currently active.
COMPLETE – Most recent calculation is complete. This query returns the state to Dormant.
[SOURce:]CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <MIN|MAX| value>
This command sets the Current setpoint as specified. The setpoint can be set to MIN (0.0 amperes), MAX (model-specific
maximum current), or a specified value, in amperes. DEF is accepted but ignored.
This command returns the present Current setpoint, in amperes.
[SOURce:]CURRent:PROTectection[:LEVel] <value>
This command sets the over-current protection threshold to value, which is specified in amperes. Note: If storage of this threshold
to non-volatile memory is desired, SYSTem:CONFiguration:SAVE must also be executed.
This command returns the present over-current protection threshold, in amperes.
[SOURce:]POWer[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <MIN|MAX|value>
This command sets the Power setpoint as specified. The setpoint can be set to MIN (0.0 watts), MAX (model-specific maximum
power), or a specified value, in watts.
This command returns the present Power setpoint, in watts.
[SOURce:]POWer:PROTectection[:LEVel] <value>
This command sets the over-power protection threshold to value, which is specified in watts. Note: If storage of this threshold to
non-volatile memory is desired, SYSTem:CONFiguration:SAVE must also be executed.
This command returns the present over-power protection threshold, in watts.
[SOURce:]VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] <MIN|MAX| value
This command sets the Voltage setpoint as specified. The setpoint can be set to MIN (0.0 volts), MAX (model-specific maximum
voltage), or a specified value, in volts. DEF is accepted but ignored.
This command returns the present Voltage setpoint, in volts.
[SOURce:]VOLTage:PROTectection[:LEVel] <value>
This command sets the over-voltage protection threshold to value, which is specified in volts. Note: If storage of this threshold to
non-volatile memory is desired, SYSTem:CONFiguration:SAVE must also be executed.
This command returns the present over-voltage protection threshold, in volts.