This command processes the Self-Test command, executing the unit self-test and returning the results. This command is
identical to the command “TEST:SELFtest[:EXECUT]” The returned results are:
No self-test error
Output Voltage/Current ADC failed
*WAI — Because no concurrent command execution is allowed, the command performs no function.
CALibration:CALCulate:CURRent:PARameters <setpoint1>,<measured1>,<setpoint2>,<measured2>
This command uses the four parameters provided to compute slope/offset calibration parameters for current control.
CALibration:CALCulate:VOLTage:PARameters <setpoint1>,<measured1>,<setpoint2>,<measured2>
This command uses the four parameters provided to compute slope/offset calibration parameters for voltage control.
This command returns the most recently measured output current. Output current is measured and buffered every 100 msecs.
The returned value is in amperes.
This command returns the most recently measured output voltage. Output voltage is measured and buffered every 100 msecs.
The returned value is in volts.
This command sets the configuration auto-start flag either ON or OFF.
Note: This flag determines whether or not the unit automatically activates its output at power-up. This command sets or clears
the flag in volatile memory. For the modified flag to be valid after cycling primary power, it must first be additionally stored to non-
volatile memory, which is done with the SYSTem:CONFiguration:SAVE command.
This command returns the present configuration auto-start flag. The returned value will be either ON or OFF.
This command activates (ON) or deactivates (OFF) the unit output.
This command returns the present output activation state, ON or OFF.
This command enables (ON) and disables (OFF) remote Remote Sense mode. It must be executed with ON before any further
remote sense commands can be execution (except for queries).
This command returns the present remote Remote Sense mode, ON or OFF.
RSENse:RESistance <ohms>
Sets the remote sense resistance directly (as opposed to running current through a lead and calculating it)
Returns the remote sense resistance in ohms.
RSENse:RESistance:CALCulate <current>
This command initiates calculation of the Remote Sense lead resistance at the specified load current. The current is specified in