Calibration Sequence
Remove any load from the output terminals and apply the DMM leads to the output terminals. Set the output voltage to
a low value (recommend 10% of the rated output voltage) and enable the output. Record the low voltage setpoint.
Use the DMM to record the actual output voltage of the supply. Record the low voltage measured.
Set the output voltage to a high value (recommend 90% of the rated output voltage). Record the high voltage setpoint.
Use the DMM to record the actual output voltage of the supply. Record the high voltage measured.
Command PLS600 to perform the voltage calibration based on the recorded values:
CALibration:CALCulate:VOLTage <low voltage setpoint>,<low voltage measured>,<high voltage setpoint>,<high voltage
measured> All voltages must be in Volts.
Disable the output. Let it bleed down to near 0V. Connect the shunt to the output terminals and apply the DMM leads to
the shunt terminals. Set the output current to a low value (recommend 10% of the rated output current) and enable the
output. Record the low current setpoint.
Use the DMM to record the actual output current of the supply. This may involve dividing a measured voltage by the
known shunt resistance. Record the low current measured.
Set the output current to a high value (recommend 90% of the rated output current). Record the high current setpoint.
Use the DMM to record the actual output current of the supply.Record the high current measured. This may involve
dividing a measured voltage by the known shunt resistance.
Command PLS600 to perform the current calibration based on the recorded values:
CALibration:CALCulate:CURRent <low current setpoint>,<low current measured>,<high current setpoint>,<high current
measured> All current must be in Amperes.
PLS600 executes Self-Test as part of its power-up sequence. In addition, you may exercise a number of Self-Test options with
the following SCPI commands:
Execute Self-Test and return the results.
same as above
Return most recent Self-Test results without executing.
Clear Self-Test results
PLS600 recognizes a number of miscellaneous SCPI commands.
*CLS clears the Event registers of the Questionable Status, Operation Status, Temperature Status, and Hardware Status
Register structures, in addition to the Error/Event Queue.
*IDN? returns the identification string for this unit. The string will contain, separated by commas: 1) the company name,
Versatile Power; 2) the model; 3) the serial numbers of the main and interface boards; and 4) the software revision
number for the main and interface board processors. For example, a 100V 10A model may, in response to *IDN?, return:
“Versatile Power,Bench 100-10 XR,031418032001,1.00.0051/1.00.1361”
*RST executes a soft reset of the system. The output is deactivated, all error Conditions are cleared (however, error
Events are not), and the unit is returned to its Output Off state. The operating mode is not changed.
If you are interacting directly with PLS600 and would like to have a prompt, SYSTem:PROMpt enables (ON) or disables
(OFF) the SCPI prompt. The prompt is OFF by default. The prompt is a newline (0x0A) character.