Advanced Phone Features
When the monitored phone is ringing, the following occurs on the monitoring phone:
The phone plays a warning tone (if enabled).
The BLF key LED flashes.
The caller ID appears on the LCD screen (if enabled).
In the following figure, the phone LCD screen shows an incoming call from 1013 on the
monitored user.
When there is a conversation on the IP phone, you can handle the active call
differently depending on the transfer mode on DSS key.
To configure the transfer mode on DSS key via web user interface:
Click on
Click the “
” sign on the left of the
Transfer Settings
to expand the feature list.
Select the desired transfer mode from the pull-down list of
Transfer Mode via DSS
. Depending on your selection:
If you select
Blind Transfer
, press the BLF key to complete the blind transfer to the
monitored phone number.
If you select
Attended Transfer
, press the BLF key to dial out the monitored phone
number and then you can complete the attended or semi-attended transfer.
If you select
New Call
, press the BLF key, the monitored phone number displays on
the LCD screen and then you can complete the blind, attended or semi-attended
For more information on performing call transfer, refer to
to accept the change.