acceleration and deceleration time of each section
P5-35 step change signal /GHGSTP
P5-32 suspend the current signal /Inhibit
P5-31 skip current segment No. /Z-Clamp
Common terminal function assignment
P4-00 Number of Z-phase signals after leaving
limit switch
P4-01 speed of collision with proximity switch
P4-02 speed of leaving proximity switch
P5-28 find reference origin in forward side under
position mode /SPD-A
P5-29 find reference origin in forward side under
position mode /SPD-B
Internal position back to origin setting parameters
F2-09 35 Any setting of segment position
Set the segment no. through communication
Appendix 7.4 Internal torque control general parameters
Internal torque control
P0-01 control mode selection
Set to 1: internal torque mode
P3-33 Internal torque command given
The given value is the percentage of rated torque
P3-16 internal forward speed limit for torque
P3-17 internal reverse speed limit for torque
P3-14 forward maximum speed limit (max
P3-15 reverse maximum speed limit (max
Speed limit in torque mode
P5-27 speed direction switch /SPD-D
Change direction, default is n.0000.
If the direction changing is given through SI2 terminal,
p5-27 can be set to n.0002.
Appendix 7.5 Internal speed control general parameters
Internal speed control
P0-01 control mode selection
Set to 3: internal speed control mode
P3-05 internal set speed 1
P3-06 internal set speed 2
P3-07 internal set speed 3
Speed value setting of internal 3-segment speed in rpm
P5-28 internal speed selection /SPD-A
P5-29 internal speed selection /SPD-B
The combination of terminals determines the speed of
corresponding section
P5-27 internal speed direction selection
Change direction, default is n.0000.
If the direction changing is given through SI2 terminal,
p5-27 can be set to n.0002.
P3-09 soft start acceleration time
P3-10 soft start deceleration time
Set acceleration and deceleration time in ms
Appendix 7.6 External pulse speed control general parameters
External pulse speed control
P0-01 control mode selection
Set to 7: external pulse speed mode
P0-10 pulse command format
Set the pulse format