Stickering The Timber
Stickering The Timber
Stickers must be sawn or planed to a uniform thickness in order for even pressure to be
applied to each sticker which allows the timber to dry straight.
Stickers should be placed directly over each other so that the weight transfer is straight
A green board is very susceptible to bowing under weight when a sticker is just
20mm out of line, and will retain that bow if it is dried in that position.
Stickers should be placed as close to the end of the board as possible.
Stickers should be 12mm thick to allow enough air to pass through a 1200mm wide
package of Oak. 24mm stickers can be used for faster drying species such as Pine or
If packages are dried side by side, an additional 4mm thickness sticker should be used for
each 1220mm in width.
More than a 12mm sticker in a 1200mm package takes up space in the kiln. There should
be a sticker placed at least every 600mm.
It is recommended to use a jig to ensure that packets are stickered in the same way every
FIG. 4-1