Here you will found some examples for the APN settings.
M2M APN (enclosed)
APN name: wm2m
Public Internet APN
APN name: net
ALWAYS use the given APN name and password of your Mobile Operator.
The LTE450 communication needs special network and an LTE450 capable SIM-card for
the succesful connection!
When using an LTE Cat.M network and an NB (Narrow Band) network, a compatible SIM
card is required! Check with your service provider for the correct type of SIM card.
ONLY for using the GDSP SIM (WM2M GDSP)
By using the GDSP SIM you have to follow the hints of the mobile operator when filling the SIM #1
APN, APN username and password fields.
In case of APN (WM2M network):
The available APN settings will be assured by the SIM card provider mobile operator or your
mobile internet service provider.