W7500S2E-R1 serial to Ethernet module
W7500S2E-R1 user manual
Figure 7-7 Basic setting page
Device Name:
The device name, default: W7500S2E-R1, user could make its own definition, it
could be any characters, Maximum 15 bytes
: NetBIOS option, click the NetBIOS to activate this feature, default: disable;
if activated, user could type W7500S2E-R1 (case insensitive) in the browser to login to the
webserver of this module. For more information, please refer section.
: W7500S2E-R1’s web server port number, default: 80, The value range is 0 to
65535. If the port wasn’t set to 80, then need to input the port at the end of IP address. For
example: 8000.
Note: If W7500S2E-R1 works in TCP server mode, HTTP port must not be set to the same as the
local port of the module.
Data Packing Size (byte):
Data packaging length, default: 0 (disable), maximum size: 2048
Data Packing Time (ms):
Data packaging time, default: 0 (disable), maximum size: 2048 bytes.
Reconnection Time (ms):
Set the time for reconnection, only available in TCP client mode,
default: 0 (instant reconnection), value range: 0 to 60000, unit: ms
Inactivity Time (ms):
Set the inactivity timer, only available on TCP modes, value range: 0 ~
60000, unit: ms, default: 0 (disable)
Keep Alive Time (5s):
Set the Keep alive timer, only available on TCP modes, value range: 0 ~
65536, unit: 5s, default: 0 (disable)
Verify the Connection
: When the user created a communication in TCP protocol and this
command was enable, the module requires a password confirmation from the Ethernet side. If the
password is wrong, it requires re-entering password until it receives a correct password. Default:
No (disable)
Send Hello Message
: Connected message input, only available on TCP modes, user could
choose “None” for no message send (default), “Send Device Name” to send device name, “Send
MAC address” to send device’s MAC address or “Send IP address” to send device IP address
Connection Condition
: In TCP client mode, the connection is starts from W7500S2E-R1. This
function can set as “Connect socket after power up” (Default) or “Connect socket after UART