Wilo-WiBooster - Installation and Operation Manual
12 1.
Advanced Settings
Used for advanced settings. This page is reached from the main
page using password 2222.
PID settings page is used to control how fast and accurately
the system responds to pressure changes. Generally speaking,
raising P value will slow the system down and lowering P
value will speed up reaction time. I value works similar but
in a stronger way per unit change. At some point, lowering
P too much will make the system unstable, or create a large
overshoot. Default values P:1250 I:1 D:0
Alarm Settings
1. Maximum Discharge Pressure. If this pressure is reached
for the time period set in (3) all pumps will be shut off for 1
minute. Default value 200.0 psi. Input range 0.0-232.0 psi
2. Minimum discharge pressure. If pressure falls below this
value with all pumps running at full speed, all pumps will be
shut off. This alarm is cleared when all pumps are off and
the alarm has been acknowledged. (this is the alarm for pipe
burst). Default value 20 psi. Input range 0.0-232.0 psi
3. Max and min pressure alarm delay. This is the delay before
the alarms in (1) or (2) activate. Default value 2 seconds.
Input range 0-10 seconds
4. Minimum suction pressure. This is the minimum value for
suction pressure. Pumps will turn off if suction pressure is
below the set point for the time duration set in (5). Alarm
will clear after 10 seconds with suction pressure above the
set point. Default value 1.0 psi. Input range -10.0-200.0 psi.
5. Low suction pressure delay time. Time with suction pressure
below set point before alarm activates. Default value 3
seconds. Input range 0-180 seconds.
6. Suction pressure input toggle. Changes between using the
analog suction pressure transducer and a digital switch input
for suction pressure. Default value: analog input
7. Pressure transducer fault options: Toggles between turning
off all pumps in the event of a pressure transducer fault, or
running one pump at a specified frequency. Sensor faults
activate immediately upon an invalid value. A failed low
sensor fault will show a negative value of pressure. A failed
high sensor fault will show the max value of pressure. A
failed high sensor value often indicates an issue with the PLC
I/O card, while a failed low value could be a problem with the
sensor connection. Default value is turn off all pumps. Alarm
will clear when a valid sensor value is sent.
8. Alarm acknowledgement. Toggles between requiring
acknowledgement for alarms to clear, or alarms resetting
automatically. Acknowledgement occurs on the alarm
screen. Acknowledgement password is 1111.
Pump Settings
1. Toggles between pumps alternating by operating hours
and cyclically. In operating hours mode, the pump with the
lowest operating hours will start first, and highest operating
hours will start last. If there is ever a time difference
between a running pump and an off pump greater than
the value set in (2), the highest runtime pump will shut off
and the lowest off pump will start. If pumps are operated
cyclically, pump 1 will start first, followed by the lowest
runtime pump available and will continue by operating hours.
After all pumps stop, pump 2 will be the first pump to start.
After the duration in (3) has elapsed, a pump will stop and
the next pump in the cycle will start. Default value: operating
2. Default value 24 hours. Input range 1-99 hours
3. Default value 360 minutes. Input range 1-1440 minutes.
4. Toggles standby mode on and off. When in standby mode, 1
pump will never start unless another pump has failed. When
in 2 pump standby mode, 2 pumps won’t start unless 2 other
pumps have failed. Default value: off
Remote Operation
Smart Phone Configuration
a. Download and run the “Unitronics Remote Operator” by
Unitronics using the App/Play Store application.
b. Enter a password to use for the Remote Operator
application. This is used to prevent others with
access to the device from using the Remote Operator
application. This password will only be created the first
time running the program.
c. Click the “+” symbol at the top of the screen. This will
take you to the “Add new PLC” screen.