Wilo-WiBooster - Installation and Operation Manual
02 System Information
The System Information screen displays discharge pressure
set point, pump run time, pump frequency, pump cycles, and
total energy usage of the system. Run time and pump cycles
cannot currently be reset. Energy usage can be reset in the VFD
through the use of a keypad.
Pressing the Power Usage Details button will jump to another
screen with motor voltage, current, and power.
Pressing the main screen button will return to the main screen.
03 Operator Settings
The operator settings page links to multiple screens for
controlling user level settings.
Pump test run configures the pump test option. This allows
users to run a pump for a short period of time to test it if all
pumps are off. Additionally, it will allow the pumps to run
periodically during a long off period.
2. )Hand control allows the user to manually run pumps
3. View Alarm History will display the last 256 Alarms. The
alarm history cannot be reset.
4. View Active Alarms will view all of the active alarms,
including alarms that have not been acknowledged. This is
similar to the active alarms button on the main screen, but
additionally allows for acknowledging of alarms that have
cleared. The button on the main screen will disappear if an
alarm came in and cleared without acknowledgement.
IP configuration sets up the PLC network settings
Email configuration sets up the PLC email settings
7. Discharge Pressure set point sets the desired output pressure
of the system.
04 Pump Test Run
The Pump Test Run page allows for pumps to be run for a short
1. Enables and disables the pump test option. When enabled
pumps will run after a set period of inactivity.
2. Pump indicator and test pushbuttons. With no pumps
running, pressing a test button will run the pump for the set
activation period at the set test frequency. Only one pump
may be tested at a time.
3. Sets the time between pump test runs. Test run will occur
when this time has elapsed with no pumps running. 1 pump
will be run per test run. The pumps test cyclically so that all
4 pumps will be tested after 4-time intervals have elapsed (in
the case of a quad). Default value is 6 hours. Input range of
1-99 hours.
4. Sets how long pumps will run during a test. Default value is
10 seconds. Input range of 1-30 seconds.
5. Sets the speed of the pump during a test run. Default value
is 45.0 Hz. Input range of 25.0-60.0 Hz. Speed will clamp
to the minimum or maximum allowed frequency if entered
value exceeds those limits.
05 Alarms
1. Alarm description
a. A one line description of the cause of the alarm.
2. Time stamp
a. The date and time of the initiation of the alarm
3. Corrective action
a. A short list of corrective actions and causes of the alarm.
4. Next icon
a. This takes you to a screen with expanded details and
suggested actions to correct the alarm.
Press the “ESC” button on the top right corner of the “Alarm
Details” screen. This will take you to the “alarm in groups”
page. This page is not utilized. Press the “ESC” button. The
“Groups with Pending Alarm” screen will appear. This screen is
not utilized. Press the “ESC” button.