Pla te Power
Supply Circuits
The power supply for the plate circuit of the No. 228-A Vacuum Tube i s
obtai ned from t h e 4,000-volt terminals
1 7
and 34. Th i s voltage i s indicated by
meter M l l B marked ''PLATE VOLTAGE." The power supply for the plate
circuits of the oth er vacuum tubes is obt a i ned from the 2,000-volt terminals
:� 5.
The voltages of both 2,000-volt gen e rators are controlled simul
taneously by means of rh eostat R23B, th e handwh eel of \Yh i ch is marked "4000-
VOLT GENERATOR." Consequently, when M l l B i ndicates 4,000 volts, 2,000
volts will be avai lable at termi nals
and 35 and 4,000 volts at terminals 1 7
and 34. These generators obtain their field excitation from t h e 250-volt gen
erator th rough term i nals
6 .
Reta rd Coil
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