5 How to Clean the Combi Oven
5.1 Combi Oven Cleaning Basics
5.1.1 Cleaning Methods
Cleaning Methods
Cleaning Methods
When to use
Oven cleaning without clean-
ing agents
Is a fully automatic process in which the
temperature and duration are controlled
by the software
The oven cavity is rinsed with water only
(without using any cleaning agents)
For cleaning very light soiling or eliminat-
ing odors between individual cooking se-
After prolonged periods of nonuse (to re-
move dust, for example), provided the
combi oven has been thoroughly cleaned
before this
Fully automatic oven clean-
ing with connected canisters
(ConvoClean for easyDial
Con for easyTouch)
Is a fully automatic process in which the
temperature, duration, use of cleaning
agents, and rinsing are controlled by the
The cleaning agents will be dosed by the
software and automatically conveyed to
the oven cavity from connected canisters
or the software will prompt the operator to
apply cleaning agent from single-measure
dispensing bottles into the oven cavity
Daily cleaning after finishing all cooking
for the day
Before placing the combi oven into opera-
tion for the first time in order to get rid of
all oven cavity soiling and impurities accu-
mulated during transit, setup, and installa-
After performing maintenance on the com-
bi oven in order to get rid of all oven cavity
soiling and impurities
Semi-automatic oven clean-
Is a semi-automatic process in which the
temperature and duration of individual
cleaning phase are controlled by the soft-
The cleaning agents are manually sprayed
into the oven cavity
The oven cavity is rinsed out manually us-
ing the recoil hand shower or, alternative-
ly, is wiped thoroughly with plenty of clean
water and a soft cloth
Daily cleaning after finishing all cooking
for the day
For further cleaning after fully automatic
oven cleaning if the latter did not get rid of
all soiling and impurities
Before placing the combi oven into opera-
tion for the first time in order to get rid of
all oven cavity soiling and impurities accu-
mulated during transit, setup, and installa-
After performing maintenance on the com-
bi oven in order to get rid of all oven cavity
soiling and impurities
5 How to Clean the Combi Oven
Operating Manual