SLS Baseline 8900 Setup and Calibration Manual 5-1-GL-GL-SUL-00028
Page 11
In order to operate the Baseline 8900 chromatograph, software from Baseline, called Skychrom, must be
used. The software requires a method and a sequence detailed in the sections SKYCHROM METHOD and
For operation, the sequence loop will be used in order to continuously run the sequence and
communicate the data to WellWizard. Should the flame go out, the Ignite flame button may be used to
reignite the flame without needing to navigate through the front menu on the instrument. The run may
be stopped instantly, or the run may be allowed to continue to the end of the sequence using the stop
buttons. Refer to Figure 4, for information on the purpose of each menu button.
Figure 4: Skychrom Menus