Page 22 5-1-GL-GL-SUL-00028 SLS Baseline 8900 Setup and Calibration
Refer to Figure 3 for serial connection. All references to serial ports will use Figure 3’s definitions for the
serial port. Navigate to the Export->Export Settings at the top menu in Skychrom software.
Figure 15: Export Settings Menu
Once the export settings window is open, use the drop down menu on the left to select the
communication port that serial cable B is plugged into. Set the speed to 9600 and click the “Connect”
button. It should remain gray so long as the export cable is connected. Under fields, “Peak’s Attributes”
should be selected and the Peak’s Attribute Fields should have “Concentration” selected on the first
drop down menu. Click OK at the bottom right corner of the window in order to save changes that have
been made. Refer to Figure 16 for proper settings.