Page 14 5-1-GL-GL-SUL-00028 SLS Baseline 8900 Setup and Calibration
“GAIN_L” will be used at the 002 second mark instead to ensure that the peak of the gas does not get
cut off, giving inaccurate results.
Figure 7: Method Parameters
When the chromatograph is running, there is always some baseline noise. In order to ensure that that
noise is not read by the chromatograph, Skychrom has a noise filter located in the “Perform” tab of the
method. As shown in Figure 8, the noise counts should be set to ignore any readings below 300 counts.
This value may be adjusted if needed for a very low concentration, or in a low gain method, but for the
standard medium gain method 300 counts ensures readability for low concentrations while still filtering
out extra results caused by noise.