SLS Baseline 8900 Setup and Calibration Manual 5-1-GL-GL-SUL-00028
Page 13
In order to create a new method, navigate to the top menu bar to File->New…->Method. From this
menu, a generic method may be created, a method may be created from an already saved method on
the computer (useful for changing communication ports on already preconfigured methods), or the
method from the device may be downloaded and modified. Refer to Figure 6 to see the menu in the
Skychrom software.
Figure 6: New Method
The method has several important settings that must be properly set up in order for the Baseline 8900
to function optimally. The method main parameters indicates what will happen when the instrument is
operated. In Figure 7, The correct operational parameters are shown and, in addition, the captions
indicate how to modify the parameters should any changes be required. For higher gas concentrations, a