To polish the SenCell:
1. Shake the diamond slurry (700001955) thoroughly before use.
2. Rinse the polishing disk with demi-water before applying the diamond slurry.
3. Apply a small amount (a few drops is sufficient) of slurry on the wetted polishing disk, and
polish the electrode with a figure-eight motion for about one minute. Apply only gentle
4. Clean the electrode with an ethanol-wetted tissue and check the surface visually. Repeat
the procedure if necessary.
5. Reassemble the detector cell.
6. Clean the polishing disk with demi-water.
7. Store the polishing disk in its plastic bag.
15.5 Specifications
Table 15–5: Specifications for SenCell
Cell type
Three-electrode, wall-jet flow cell
Cell working volume (based on 2 mm Ø WE)
0 — 300 nL (steplessly adjustable)
Total cell volume
Approximately 0.5 mL
Working electrode diameter
2 mm
Working electrode (WE)
Glassy carbon
Reference electrodes
SB (Salt bridge Ag/AgCl), ISAAC (in situ Ag/
AgCl), HyREF (Pd/H
Auxiliary electrode
Stainless steel L316
Wetted materials
PCTFE, glassy carbon, stainless steel L316,
PEEK, silicone, REF material (palladium or Ag
and AgCl)
Max. pressure
5 bar (73 psi)
Fluidics connections
1/16-inch o.d. PEEK tubing with 10-32 PCTFE
finger-tight connections
Electric connections
Cell cable for use with 3465 Detector
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