80 Function Description
750-352/040-000 FC ETHERNET G3 XTR
Version 1.3.0
Pos: 63 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 2/Datenaustausch - Ü berschrift 2 @ 4\mod_1241431718548_21.docx @ 32202 @ 2 @ 1
Data Exchange
Pos: 64.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Datenaustausch/D atenaustausch - Ei nleitung (750- 341, -342, -352) (Koppler) @ 7\mod_1265975017174_21.docx @ 50553 @ @ 1
With the fieldbus coupler, data is exchanged either via the MODBUS/TCP
protocol or via EtherNet/IP.
MODBUS/TCP works according to the master/slave principle. The master
controller can be a PC or a PLC.
The fieldbus couplers of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 are slave devices.
The master requests communication. This request can be directed to certain
nodes by addressing. The nodes receive the request and, depending on the
request type, send a reply to the master.
Pos: 64.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Datenaustausch/D atenaustausch - Ei n F eldbuskoppler kann ei ne bestimmte Anzahl glei chzeitiger Verbindung en (Koppler) @ 7\mod_1265975390320_21.docx @ 50556 @ @ 1
A defined number of simultaneous connections (socket connections) with other
network devices can be established to a fieldbus coupler:
Pos: 64.3 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Datenaustausch/D atenaustausch - Liste gleichzeitiger Verbi ndungen (Socket-Verbi ndungen) (750- 352, -354) @ 7\mod_1265976319452_21.docx @ 50569 @ @ 1
3 connections for HTTP (to read HTML pages from the coupler)
15 connections via MODBUS/TCP (to read or write input and output data of
the coupler)
128 connections for EtherNet/IP
10 connections for FTP
2 connections for SNMP
Pos: 64.4 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Datenaustausch/D atenaustausch - Schnittstell en (Koppler) @ 7\mod_1265977486459_21.docx @ 50572 @ @ 1
The maximum number of simultaneous connections can not be exceeded.
Existing connections must first be terminated before new ones can be set up.
The FC ETHERNET G3 XTR is essentially equipped with two interfaces for data
the interface to the fieldbus (Master)
the interface to the I/O modules.
Data exchange takes place between the fieldbus master and the I/O modules.
Pos: 64.5 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Datenaustausch/D atenaustausch - Wird als F eldbus MODBU S genutzt, greift der M aster über die ( Koppler) @ 7\mod_1265978034343_21.docx @ 50575 @ @ 1
If MODBUS is used as the fieldbus, the MODBUS master accesses the date
using the MODBUS functions implemented in the fieldbus coupler; EtherNet/IP,
in contrast, uses an object model for data access.
Pos: 64.6 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/F unktionsbeschr eibung/Datenaustausch/Speicher ber eiche M ODBU S/Speicher ber eiche M ODBU S - Bild ( Koppler) ( 750-306, -341, 342, 352, 354) @ 7\mod_1265978270612_21.docx @ 50588 @ @ 1