Product manual | Version: 1.0.0
• Non-observance of the intended use.
• Use without protective measures in an environment in which salt water, salt spray mist,
icing, corrosive fumes, explosive gases, direct sunlight and ionizing radiation can oc-
• Use of the product in areas with special risk that require continuous fault-free operation
and in which failure of or operation of the product can result in an imminent risk to life,
limb or health or cause serious damage to property or the environment (such as the
operation of nuclear power plants, weapons systems, aircraft and motor vehicles).
Warranty and Liability
The terms set forth in the General Business and Contract Conditions for Delivery and
Service of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG and the terms for software products
and products with integrated software stated in the WAGO Software License Contract –
both available at
– shall apply. In particular, the warranty is void if:
• The product is improperly used.
• The deficiency (hardware and software configurations) is due to special instructions.
• Modifications to the hardware or software have been made by the user or third parties
that are not described in this documentation and that has contributed to the fault.
Individual agreements always have priority.
Obligations of Installers/Operators
The installers and operators bear responsibility for the safety of an installation or a sys-
tem assembled with the products. The installer/operator is responsible for proper installa-
tion and safety of the system. All laws, standards, guidelines, local regulations and ac-
cepted technology standards and practices applicable at the time of installation, and the
instructions in the the products’ Instructions for Use, must be complied with. In addition,
the Installation regulations specified by Approvals must be observed. In the event of non-
compliance, the products may not be operated within the scope of the approval.
1.3 Typographical Conventions
Number Notation
Decimals: Normal notation
Hexadecimals: C-notation
Binary: In single quotation marks
Nibbles separated by a period
Text Formatting
Names of paths or files
Menu items, entry or selection fields, emphasis
Sections of program code
Selection of a menu point from a menu
Value entries
Identification of buttons or keys