Use the Camera Setting page to change the video settings for each of the connected cameras.
Set Camera Control -
sets PTZ control for the cameras.
Each setting can be changed using the drop down menus and check boxes.
You can also enter a maximum number of connections allowed for each camera and maximum bandwidths.
5.6.3 Audio
Use the Audio menu to set up the audio parameters for the VP- 101.
Speaker -
adjusts the speaker output level (volume).
Set time and date
Use the Set Time and Date page to set the time and date. Select a time zone from the drop down menu and enter new
local time and date using the keyboard. Click Done when all fields are updated. Click Undo to revert to original settings.
If you change the time zone, the system will reboot.
Set NTP server
Use the Set NTP Server page to set parameters for a NTP (Network Time Protocol) server to synchronize the device
time with the atomic clock. Select a server and enable it using the drop down menus. Enter a time period using the
keyboard to indicate the period after which the time is re-synchronized. Click Done when all parameters are entered