3.3.7 Account
Use the Account menu to set up an administrator name and password as well as user name and passwords. The default
administrator name is
and the default password is
. You can also use this menu to set up to 16
additional users, their passwords and their permissions on the system.
Note: It is important that you set up a user name and password. The user is different from the administrator and
has access to only the video. Use the More Users function to alter the authorities of users who access the VP- 101
from the Internet.
To set an Admin/User name or password:
Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to select the field to change.
Press the Right arrow button to confirm.
Press the Key Pad button on the remote control to display the on-screen keyboard.
Use the Arrow buttons to select the letters you require and the OK button to confirm.
When the field is correct, press the Key Pad button to turn off the on-screen keyboard.
Press the OK button to confirm.
To set up additional users and their permission rights:
Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to select the More Users choice.
Press the Right arrow button to confirm.
Use the Arrow buttons to select the Name and Pass options and modify these fields in the same manner as in the
previous procedure.