4.1 Introduction
The VP-101 can be used and configured using either the supplied remote control unit or with a keyboard and mouse. This
chapter covers keyboard and mouse operation. The VP-101 must be in GUI mode for the keyboard and mouse to operate
functions. See Running modes on page 5 to learn how to switch to Mouse control.
4.2 Surveillance screen panel
The Surveillance Screen Panel enables you to define which live images are displayed on screen.
Selectable 1 / 4 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 13 / 16 split-screen display
Use the sequence button to automatically cycle through all the connected cameras
The arrow buttons to cycle through all connected cameras
Enlarge button
Click the enlarge button to switch to full screen display live Video.
Double click the right button of mouse to switch back normal display live video.
4.3 Setup Video Quality
Use the set quality button
to set all the video parameters for the cameras connected to the VP- 101.
1. Please change to single screen as following first.