Delivery pipes for EDC-engines
All EDC-engines have pre-pressurized delivery
pipes that tolerate high injection prsssure. This pre-
pressurization is done in the manufacturing pro-
cess, where the pipes are bent and subjected to ap-
prox. 3000 bar pressure in order to get rid of micro-
cracks in the material.
Pre-pressurized pipes must not be bent! This could
cause cracks.
To make sure the cable connection is tight enough, pull
the cable unit axially, see fig, to ensure there is no gap,
which is the case with an improperly tightened coup-
ling. Tighten to take in this gap, if any, and then a fur-
ther hex side (approx. 60
NOTE! It is important that all cable connections and
joints in the EDC-system are fully plugged in and that
the protection sleeves are pressed fully over insulators
and sensors.
Check that there is engine oil in the bottom section of
the injection pump. There should be no oil in the gov-
Basic timing injection pump (EDC)
Special tools:
(998) 7057 Timing tool
8068 Crank tool
Remove the inspection panel from underneath the
flywheel casing and fit crank tool 8068.
Crank the engine until no. cyl. piston has just
passed TDC, compression stroke (0
on flywheel
and both no. 1 cyl. valves closed). Crank the fly-
wheel back past the degree for the setting.
Pull cable unit axially
to check for gap
Turbopressure sensor (3-pin connector)
Hex spanner
Pull cable unit axially to
check for gap
Hex spanner