Draining oil
There are three plugs for draining the oil: One under-
neath the sump; one next to the oil pocket on the in-
spection panel; and one on the underside of the oil tank.
Topping-up coolant
Recommended for the cooling system (and heating
system) is a mixture of 50% anti-freeze and 50% wa-
Never use coolant with less than 40% anti-freeze. This
also applies to topping-up. The anti-freeze protects the
cooling system from corrosion and damage from
Volvo coolant is recommended even when the coolant
does not require anti-freeze. It provides very good pro-
tection against corossion.
Tightening torque for drain plugs:
15 Nm (6.0
1.5 kpm).
Instructions on topping-up oil, refer to page 32.
On buses with roof-mounted air conditioning system,
where the coolant is above the level of the expansion
tank, the coolant has to be pumped up by starting the
circulation pump.
Top-up gradually via the expansion tank until the sys-
tem is full. Check the coolant level after having run the
engine warm.
NOTE! For the B10M (late prod. or older that has been
altered afterwards) where the vent line from the radi-
ator goes down into the bottom of the expansion tank,
we recommend topping-up from the evacuation con-
nection in the bottom of the radiator. This is a good
way of getting rid of any air pockets in the cooling sys-