User Manual
Stream MK3/SC2/SH65 series
VOLUMIC • 12bis Rue Louis GARNERAY 06300 NICE • Tel: +33 (0)9 500 27 400 • Email: [email protected] •
page |25|
(*) The logo displayed on the screenshots may vary, but the content remains the same on all models.
Launches the resetting of the Z axis origin point. Be careful, make sure you have no object on the board before
launching this function to avoid any collisions.
Launches the resetting of the origin point of the X and Y axes. Caution, make sure you have no object on the
board before launching this function to avoid any collisions.
"MOUNT Z 10mm"
Raise the Z axis by 10mm. If the Z axis does not have its origin point defined, you will be prompted to start it or
skip this step. Warning: if the origin point (Home Z) is not defined, the machine will not know at what height it
is, and can therefore make movements that will create collisions.
"MOUNT Z 50mm"
Mounts the Z axis by 50mm. If the Z axis does not have its origin point defined, you will be prompted to start it
or skip this step. Warning: if the origin point (Home Z) is not defined, the machine will not know at what height
it is, and can therefore make movements that will create collisions.
Opens the screen to manually move the axes by selecting different distances. The movements will be executed
over the chosen distance without holding down the button. We therefore recommend that you wear safety
gloves for all manual movement manipulations in order to avoid any risk of mechanical pinching if you access the
interior of the enclosure.
Launches a 10mm extrusion of filament. If the head is not hot, this function will ask you to start the heating or
to abort (the extrusion is blocked below 165°C for the safety of the extruder. If you want to unblock this limit or
change it , see Gcode M302 command).