User Manual
Stream MK3/SC2/SH65 series
VOLUMIC • 12bis Rue Louis GARNERAY 06300 NICE • Tel: +33 (0)9 500 27 400 • Email: [email protected] • Web:www.volumic3d.com
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Caution: there is a potential risk of mechanical pinching. VOLUMIC 3D printers contain moving parts
and systems. During operation, keep your limbs outside of the enclosure as there is a risk of pinching
which could cause injury. Always use safety gloves when working inside the printer and make sure the
systems are not moving. With or without a cover installed, never access the inside of the machine from
above while it is in operation as you risk injuring yourself.
Warning: there is a potential risk of burns, the print head can reach temperatures of up to 400°C
depending on the model, and the heating plate up to 150°C. Do not touch these two items with bare
hands. Always allow the printer to cool for 30 minutes before carrying out maintenance or
modifications. Wear safety gloves for all work on the heating elements.
Health and security
Always unplug the printer before carrying out maintenance or modifications.
VOLUMIC 3D printers are designed to be compatible with the vast majority of materials on the market. Materials are
normally safe to print if each manufacturer's recommended temperatures and settings are applied. We still recommend
printing all materials in a well ventilated and filtered area if you are not using the filter hood (optional).
In view of the very broad material compatibility of VOLUMIC printers, it is up to you to check the compatibility and the
risk of toxic substance releases of the materials used via the safety data sheets and the recommendations of the
manufacturer of these materials. For more information, consult the SDS (safety data sheet) of each specific material to
know the risks.
Some materials can release VOCs (volatile organic compounds) when printed in VOLUMIC 3D printers. It can cause
headaches, fatigue, dizziness, confusion, nausea, malaise, difficulty concentrating and a feeling of intoxication. The use of
a filtration hood (optional) is strongly recommended in these cases. For more information, consult the SDS (safety data
sheet) of these materials. Other materials may release toxic substances when printed. Consult the manufacturer's
literature and recommendations for safe use of these materials.
The installation of the filtration hood (optional) is recommended for printing certain materials that may release harmful
substances. We recommend the systematic use of the filtration hood in order to avoid any risk of release of harmful
substances depending on the materials used. If you do not use a filtration hood, a ventilation and filtration system suitable
for your environment must be installed near the 3D printer. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations to identify the
risks of each material.
Connect your printer to the electrical network with the supplied cable on a suitable socket, without fault or trace of
excessive wear, avoiding as much as possible to combine with other sockets. Any disassembly and/or modification of your
3D printer is at your own risk. Any disassembled or modified part (excluding consumables) will no longer be subject to a
manufacturer's warranty, except with the express agreement of the latter.
Be sure to remove any object from the bed and in the printer before printing, otherwise it may cause collisions with the
extruder, which can totally disrupt your machine, or even damage it.
Place your printer on a sturdy, stable surface. The vibrations emitted by the printer in operation can overcome an
unsuitable support and cause the machine to fall, causing serious damage to it and to the environment, injuring people
nearby, and greatly increasing fire risks.