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Measuring the capacity

Discharge each capacitor before connecting it to the measuring instrument. If
capacitors are short-circuited, high-energy discharges can be caused. Do not
touch the connections of capacitors with voltages above 35VDC or 25VAC. Pro-
ceed with caution. DANGER!
Never carry out measurements at capacitors which are installed into
circuits/circuit components.

Proceed as follows to measure unipolar (electrolytic capacitors) and bipolar capacitors:

a) The measurement set-up (connection of the measuring lines) corresponds to the

one used for the resistance measurement. For the VC-840, activate the blue sec-
ond-function switch top right of the rotary switch once more (three times beginning
at the resistance measurement). The measuring instrument switches from resis-
tance measurement to diode test (1x), to continuity check (2x) and finally to capac-
ity measurement (3x), indicated by the „

“ symbol on the right side of the dis-

For the VC-820, set the rotary switch to position „


b) Now connect the measuring prods to the capacitor. Observe the „+“ and „-“

(polarity) when measuring electrolytic capacitors. Ensure that the connections are
sufficiently long and clean.

If the capacity is measured, residual capacities of up to 1.5nF can be indicated
even if no capacitor is connected. Therefore, it is recommended to set the indi-
cation to zero by pressing the „REL“ button before starting the measurement. 
The following subfunctions can be set:
Holding the measuring value „HOLD H“ and reference measurement „REL“. 

Measuring frequencies

Proceed as follows to measure the frequency of sinusoidal alternating voltages up to
max. 10MHz:

a) Connect the measuring lines to the measuring instrument turned off; ensure the

correct polarity. The red measuring line is to be connected to the Hz/V/ohm input
and the black measuring line to the „COM“ (= ground or „-“). Make sure they are
plugged properly.

b) Move the rotary switch to “Hz” and turn on the measuring instrument. After a short

initialisation phase (all segments are visible), the measuring instrument automati-
cally switches to the lowest possible range of measurement. A manual range
selection is not possible when measuring frequencies.  

c) Connect the measuring prods to the object to be measured.

d) If you like to activate the informative pulse-pause ratio indication for TTL levels in

% instead of the normal frequency indication in „Hz“ (kHz, MHz), you have to
press the „Hz %“ button once. Now, the indication theoretically ranges up to
99.9% with a maximum resolution of 0.1%. You return to the frequency measure-
ment by pressing the „Hz %“ button once more. 



Never exceed the max. input values!
For voltages lower than 300mVrms (measured at 1 kHz) up to 1MHz a frequency
measurement cannot be performed, and for voltages lower than 600mVrms from
above 1 MHz up to < 10MHz a frequency measurement cannot be performed.

The following subfunctions can be set:
Holding the measuring value „HOLD H“ and switch-over from „Hz“ (frequency
measurement) up to „%“ (pulse pause ratio measurement).   

Measuring direct and alternating currents (True Rms for the VC-840)

Proceed as follows to measure AC/DC currents:

a) Connect the measuring lines to the measuring instrument turned off; ensure the

correct polarity. Depending on the current range you select for your measurement
(µA, mA, A), the measuring lines are to be connected differently to the measuring
instrument. The red measuring line is to be connected to the „µA/mA“ socket for
measurements in the range of between 0 and 4000µA or between 0 and 400mA
and for measurements in the range from 0.4A to 20A it is to be plugged into the
„20A“ socket. The black measuring line is to be connected to „COM“ (= ground or
„-“). Make sure they are plugged in properly.

b) Depending on the current values you want to measure, move the rotary switch to

„µA“, „mA“ or „A“ and turn on the measuring instrument. After a very brief initialisa-
tion phase (all segments), the direct current measurement is turned on now. To be
able to measure alternating currents, press the blue second-function switch top
right of the rotary switch once. Then, the symbol of the alternating quantities „AC“ (=
alternating current) is displayed left to the value measured. Moreover, the automatic
range selection, indicated by „AUTO“, is active. That means that the lowest possible
range of measurement is set with a resolution of 0.1µA.

c) Connect the measuring lines in series to the object to be measured (see following


If for DC measurements a minus „-“ appears in front of the value measured, the
measured current is negative (or the measuring lines have been mixed up).
Never exceed the maximum input values of the input used, because this could
destroy the fuse.

The following subfunctions can be set:
Holding the measuring value „HOLD H“, reference measurement „REL“ and
manual range selection „RANGE“. 







(Last, Schaltung 




load, switch




Summary of Contents for vc 820

Page 1: lich bersetzung vorbehalten Reproduktionen jeder Art z B Fotokopie Mikroverfilmung oder die Erfassung in elektronischen Datenverarbei tungsanlagen bed rfen der schriftlichen Genehmigung des Herausg...

Page 2: ...VC 840 bietet zus tzlich eine Tempera turmessfunktion von 40 C bis 1000 C Bei der Wechselspannungs und Wechsel strommessung wird beim VC 840 au erdem der echte Effektivwert True Rms gemessen Die Messg...

Page 3: ...d f r Gleich und Wechselstr me bis max 20 A max 10 s lang mit 15 Min Pause zwi schen den Messungen zugelassen 6 mA A Eingang VC 840 nur mA An diesem Eingang k nnen Gleich und Wechselstr me bis max 400...

Page 4: ...lebensgef hrlichen elektrischen Schlag erhalten Schalten Sie somit zun chst die Spannungsquelle stromlos ver binden Sie das Messger t mit den Anschl ssen der zu messenden Spannungs quelle stellen Sie...

Page 5: ...die Messspitzen bzw Adapter vom Messobjekt zu entfernen berpr fen Sie vor jeder Messung Ihr Messger t bzw Ihre Messleitungen und Adapter auf Funktion und Besch digung en Arbeiten Sie mit dem Messger t...

Page 6: ...Angezeigt wird nun der Differenzwert aktueller Messwert minus dem Bezugswert Diese Funktion eignet sich besonders gut zur Widerstandsmessung Die Haupt Anzeige l t sich auf 0000 setzen d h Sie k nnen W...

Page 7: ...0 vous avez acquis un produit la poin te du d veloppement technique Il est toutefois possible que des probl mes ou des pannes surviennent Vous trouverez ci apr s un certain nombre de proc dures vous p...

Page 8: ...l de mesure Prendre la conduite d interface en main et glisser la partie sup rieure jus qu en but e dans l videment trap zo dal La connexion est r alis e La transmission est unidirectionnelle dans un...

Page 9: ...les tapes suivantes 11 Der Widerstand der Messleitungen ist normalerweise vernachl ssigbar klein ca 0 1 bis 0 2 Ohm Allerdings kann dieser niedrige Wert im 400 Ohm Mess bereich bereits zu Ungenauigkei...

Page 10: ...gen Sie einmal den Taster Hz Die Anzeige reicht nun theoretisch bis 99 9 bei einer max Aufl sung von 0 1 Zur Frequenzmessung kehren Sie zur ck indem Sie erneut einmal den Taster Hz bet tigen 45 Attent...

Page 11: ...Si au lieu de l affichage de la fr quence en Hz kHz MHz vous souhaitez l affi chage d information du rapport cyclique des niveaux TTL en appuyer une fois sur la touche poussoir Hz Th oriquement l affi...

Page 12: temps la r sistance des conduites de mesure En cas de r sistances 1 m x2126 l lectronique a besoin de quelque temps pour stabiliser l affichage Mesure de diodes et contr le de continuit acoustique...

Page 13: ...NGE V 15 schalten Sie das Messger t aus In der R ckseite ist die Schnittstelle eingebaut Drehen Sie das Messger t um Nehmen Sie die Schnittstellenleitung zur Hand und schieben Sie das Kop pelteil bis...

Page 14: ...eachten Sie unbedingt die Sicherheitshinweise 41 effectuer des mesures de r sistance dans une plage de basse imp dance sans devoir soustraire chaque fois la r sistivit des conduites de mesure La mesur...

Page 15: ...e la valeur de r f rence repr sent e par un triangle permet des mesures se r f rant une valeur pr alablement affich e mesur e La valeur de dif f rence est alors affich e valeur de mesure actuelle moin...

Page 16: l objet de mesure avant chaque changement de plage de mesure Avant chaque mesure contr ler si votre appareil de mesure et ses cordons de mesure sont intacts Ne pas utiliser l appareil de mesure dan...

Page 17: ...e formation les ateliers de loisirs et de r insertion la manipulation d appareils aliment s par le secteur doit tre surveill e par un person nel responsable sp cialement form cet effet Une prudence to...

Page 18: ...o a maximum of 100 F Measuring frequencies of up to 10MHz and measuring the pulse pause ratio duty cycle informative Measuring resistance values up to a maximum of 40 MOhm Testing diodes and checking...

Page 19: ...ernatives jusqu 750 VACrms maximum VC 840 True Rms Mesure de courants continus ou alternatifs jusqu 20A maximum pendant 10 secondes maximum avec une pause de 15 minutes entre chaque mesure Mesure de c...

Page 20: ...cular care when dealing with voltages exceeding 25V alternating current AC or 35V direct current DC Even at these voltages it is possible to get a fatal electric shock if you touch electric conductors...

Page 21: ...moved from the object to be measured Check your measurement instrument or your measuring lines and adapters for their correct functioning or for damage s before starting a measurement Do not use the m...

Page 22: ...uring value minus reference value This function is particularly useful for measuring resistance values The main indica tion can be set to 0000 Thus you can measure values in the low resistance range w...

Page 23: ...latest state of the art Problems and disturbances may however still arise Therefore there follows a description of how to eliminate some of these faults relatively easily yourself Do not fail to obser...

Page 24: ...face is integrated at the rear side Turn over the measuring instrument Take the interface line and slide the coupler into the wedge shaped recess up to the stop The connection has been established The...

Page 25: ...w resistance can even result in inac curate values within the 400 ohm measuring range Therefore use the REL function to avoid the indication of the resistance of the measuring lines For a resistance 1...

Page 26: ...indication in Hz kHz MHz you have to press the Hz button once Now the indication theoretically ranges up to 99 9 with a maximum resolution of 0 1 You return to the frequency measure ment by pressing...
