Service work
Information reference flexible or fixed service
Service tables
Information about flexible or fixed serv‐
Flexible service
Fixed service
Service interval display
Service identification
– Referring to vehicle data sticker
is equipped with following PR numbers:
The PR number is decisive for the service intervals
Vehicle ID with PR number
Model year
PR number
► 2012
Flexible service
► 2012
QG0, QG2, QG3
Fixed service
2013 ►
Flexible service
2013 ►
QI1, QI2, QI3, QI4, QI7
Fixed service
In the past, the PR numbers QG0, QG1 and QG2 determined the
type of service.
With immediate effect, these PR numbers only denote whether
an engine oil level sensor is installed or not and no longer have
an influence on the oil change interval.
Flexible service
The flexible service enables long service intervals, depending on
individual driving style and the conditions under which the vehicle
is used.
For the flexible service a special LongLife engine oil is required
Vehicles with PR number “QG1” or “QI6” are set up for flexible
service when they leave the factory. This means that these vehi‐
cles have a flexible service interval display and are fitted with the
following components:
♦ Flexible service interval display in dash panel insert
♦ Engine oil level sensor
♦ Brake pad wear indicator (if fitted)
For vehicles with flexible service the service interval is determined
by the control unit and is indicated on service interval display
Passat 2011 ➤ , Passat Variant 2011 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 01.2019
2. Service work