Saving and Printing Documents
Point size
Number of columns
Line spacing
Paragraph indentation
Page size
Margin sizes
Choose one of the Split Document options to either keep all pages in one file
or split the document into multiple files:
All Pages in One File: Choose this option to save all the pages in the
document in one file.
Split on Blank Pages: Choose this option when you want Pro OCR
to save a stack of documents into separate files.
To use this option, before you scan the stack of pages, put a blank page after
the last page of each document you want Pro OCR to save as a separate file.
For more information, about saving multiple documents,
see “Saving
Multiple Documents as Separate Files”
see “Saving Multiple Page
Images as Separate Image Files”
later in this chapter.
NOTE: For Split on Blank Pages to work properly, make sure to use the
Recognize operation on every blank page.
Pro OCR saves each stack of pages up to a blank page as a separate file,
using the name you specified followed by a sequential three- digit numeric
identifier, followed by the appropriate extension. For example, if you name
the current document
, and then save it to Excel 2.x format with “Split
on Blank Pages” selected, Pro OCR will save the first file (up to the first
blank page) as
, the next file as
, and so on.
One Page Per File: Many image editing programs can support only
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