Saving and Printing Documents
The current state of each page in the document is saved, including any locate
regions or recognized text.
Saving to Pro OCR Deferred Format
The Pro OCR Deferred file format is a special case of the Pro OCR file format. Use
it to save work in progress so that you can open the document later for further
single-step processing (using the Open command in the File menu) or to complete
processing (using the Process Deferred Jobs command in the File menu). A
document is automatically saved in the Pro OCR Deferred file format when you
choose Create Deferred Job from the File menu. You can also save the open
document as a deferred job using the Save As dialog.
Using Open and Process Deferred Jobs with Pro OCR Formats
There are two things you can do with a file saved in Pro OCR format or in Pro OCR
Deferred format:
Read it in for further single-step processing using Open.
Complete automatic processing on it using Process Deferred Jobs.
When you use Open to read in a file that you’ve saved in the Pro OCR format or the
Pro OCR Deferred format, each page is retrieved with the Locate and Recognize
information that was saved with it.
In contrast, if you use the single-step Get Page operation to read in a file saved in
Pro OCR format or in Pro OCR Deferred format, only the page image is read in,
and the locate regions and recognized text in the document are discarded.
NOTE: When you’re reading a file in for further processing, remember to use Open
instead of Get Page in order to preserve any locate regions or recognized text
you’ve already processed.
Saving to Pro OCR Text Only Format
The Pro OCR Text Only format preserves the text as you see it displayed in the text
view in Pro OCR. It also preserves all current information about suspect and
illegible characters in the recognized document. It lets you open the document again
in Pro OCR without the page image.
When you open the document later on, you can edit the text, continue to inspect
file:///C|/VisioneerDoc/html/06save.htm (12 of 18) [1/20/2003 4:21:18 PM]