Learning Pro OCR Basics
6. Click Save.
The picture from the scanned page is now saved within the RTF file along with
the recognized text. If you open this file in a word processor that supports
pictures in RTF files, you see the recognized text and the pictures.
7. Choose Close from the File menu.
Example 6: Locating a Document Using a Template
At times, you don’t want to recognize all the text on a page. For example, in this
exercise the sample page has a header and a footer that you don’t want to recognize or
save. The sample template in this example is designed to create a text region around
just the body text during the Locate step. The title and copyright in the footer are not
recognized (saving time during recognition) and are not displayed (saving you the
time of searching for and deleting them).
In this example, you use a supplied template that you can use for your own documents
as well. You can also create your own templates, to customize Pro OCR for the kinds
of pages that you typically use.
To use a template:
1. Choose Template from the Locate drop-down list in the Gallery toolbar.
2. Choose Select Template from the File menu.
The Select Template dialog box appears.
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