Introducing Visioneer Pro OCR 100
Pro OCR User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Introducing Visioneer Pro OCR 100
This chapter introduces you to the Pro OCR application and to the concept of
optical character recognition (OCR).
Why Pro OCR
Pro OCR is an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) application. An OCR
application converts images of text, such as those obtained from scanning a
document or receiving a fax through your fax-modem, into editable text. For
example, when a scanner scans a page of text, it sees black and white areas on the
page. The scanner converts what it sees into an image and stores the image on the
computer. To transform a scanned text image into something a word processing or
spreadsheet application can recognize as characters, you need an OCR (optical
character recognition) application, such as Pro OCR.
Every day you may spend a lot of time retyping printed text or numbers from hard
copy documents. By using Pro OCR and a scanner as an input device, you can
eliminate much of this retyping.
Features and Highlights of Pro OCR
Many of the existing OCR products are typically capable of recognizing 200–300
plain, nonstylized typefaces. Using recognition technology, Pro OCR can recognize
over 2,000 typefaces.
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