Tips for Getting the Best Results
Using Recognize Again
This may be necessary if the text on a page was not recognized accurately because
of an incorrect type quality setting. You can recognize again at any step in the Pro
OCR process.
To recognize the current page again:
1. Select the appropriate Recognize options from the Recognize drop-down
2. Click the Recognize button, or choose Recognize from the Process menu.
You can use recognize again for individual pages in the current document.
Finding and Replacing Recognized Text
If Pro OCR incorrectly identifies a character in one place in the document, it may
incorrectly identify the same character everywhere. For example, the document may
be a monthly sales report from the XYZ Company, typed on a typewriter with a
broken “X” that Pro OCR couldn’t identify. While you’re proofing the document
using Proof, with the Illegible Characters proofing option selected, you notice that
Pro OCR has substituted the currently chosen Illegible Character
Symbol—“@”—everywhere that it encountered the broken “X.” You can easily
change all the occurrences of “@YZ” to “XYZ” using Find & Replace.
You use Find & Replace to search for and replace repeated occurrences of text. The
text you search for can be specified in several ways:
It can be text that you type in the Find & Replace dialog box.
It can be text that you’ve selected manually in the document.
It can be text that Pro OCR has selected during Proof.
To use Find & Replace with Proof:
1. Choose Options from the Tools menu.
The Options dialog box appears.
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