Tips for Getting the Best Results
2. Determine which Locate and Recognize options in the Gallery apply to the
majority of pages.
For example, the locating options might be Locate Text Only and Single
Columns Only. You’ll use these settings in step 4.
3. Use Locate and Recognize, as necessary, on each of the other pages.
In other words, you’ll leave the “majority pages” alone and only use
Locate—or Locate and Recognize—on the pages that are not “majority
4. Choose Finish Processing from the Process menu.
Make sure you set the Locate and Recognize settings that you decided on in
Step 2. You’ll use these settings to process all the “majority pages” (that is,
the pages you didn’t use Locate and Recognize on in step 3).
Save the document in the Pro OCR Deferred format.
If you save the document in the Pro OCR Deferred format, you can use
Process Deferred Jobs at a later time to finish processing it. When you do,
make sure you set the controls in the Locate and Recognize rows of the
Gallery the way you decided on in step 2.
Each of the above procedures shows you how to handle one particular situation.
Note that you may combine these procedures when appropriate to handle
combinations of situations.
Changing the Gallery Options
Sometimes, after using Auto OCR on a document, you’ll find that you’ve chosen an
inappropriate Gallery option for one or more steps or pages. When this happens,
you don’t have to start all over again. With Pro OCR, you can redo only the steps or
pages that you need to. The rest of your document is not affected. The following
scenarios give you some hints and suggestions about using Get Page, Locate, and
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