Creating and Processing Deferred and Batch Jobs
Use Create Deferred Job to get pages and save them in the Pro OCR Deferred
format for processing later on. After you create a deferred job, you can use any
combination of locating and recognizing on some or all pages and then save the
document. When you’re ready to finish processing the saved document, use Process
Deferred Jobs to automatically perform any additional processing.
To create a deferred job:
1. Select Use Scanner or Open File from the Get Page drop-down list in the
Gallery toolbar.
You can create a deferred job either by scanning pages or by reading them in
from a file. If your source is a scanner, don’t forget to specify the
appropriate scanner settings.
2. Choose Create Deferred Job from the Recognize menu.
The Create Deferred Job dialog box appears.
3. Change directories, if necessary.
When you choose Process Deferred Jobs, Pro OCR opens the
directory by default. If you save to the
directory, you won’t have to
search through the directory hierarchy to find the file later on. However,
Process Deferred Jobs can open files saved in the Pro OCR Deferred format
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