XX091-04-01 Rev 104 AurorAcorD
+5 V Out
Comm Out —
Resp In —
RS-422 Resp In +
RS-232 RxD
RS-422 Comm Out +
RS-232 TxD
RS-232/RS-422 Termination Box
Downloading Software Updates
Caution: Completely disconnect your AurorAcorD from other devices before downloading software
updates. Failure to do so may cause unexpected results.
Perform the following procedure to receive software updates.
Note: You may use Com 1 or Com 2 on your AurorAcorD. Remember to check your jumper settings as
discussed in this chapter because the com port must be set to RS-232. The instructions in the following
procedure assume that you are using Com 1.
1. If you want to revert to factory defaults after you download the new software, disregard this step. If you
want to save your customized settings (these are the menu selections that you have made while in the
AurorAcorD menu system), select Save/Restore Menu from the Menu Selection screen. Then select
Save Current Settings. Press Enter and then the right arrow key.
2. You may obtain an update to your AurorAcorD software by several means. Updates are often available at
the Vicon website (www.vicon-cctv.com). Contact Vicon Technical Support at 1-800-34-VICON (1-800-
348-4266) to find out whether you have the latest software and how to receive it. This procedure
assumes you already have the update on your PC hard drive, on a CD, diskette or other readable media.
3. Remove power from the AurorAcorD and personal computer.
4. You may purchase a flash upgrade/RS-232 cable (product code 7721-00) by calling Vicon at 1-800-645-
9116. Otherwise, create a cable with an RJ-45 connector on one end and a 9-pin D-shell connector on
the other end. Use the following table for connections. Note that screw numbers in the table refer to the
supplied RJ-45 termination box.
RS-232 Connections
Term. Box
PC RS-232 (9-Pin)
RS232 RxD
Pin 3, TxD
RS232 TxD
Pin 2, RxD
Pin 5, ground
4. Connect the cable to the AurorAcorD Com 1 connector either on
the front or rear of the unit. Connect the cable to an RS-232
connector on your PC (Com 1 for these instructions).
5. Apply power to the PC and use the Windows Start Menu to access
HyperTerminal from the Accessories program group. You may use
any communications package that provide X-Modem transfer.
Note: HyperTerminal instructions were written using HyperTerminal version 595160. If you are using a
different version, refer to HyperTerminal’s help file or other documentation if necessary.
6. A dialog box will display that requests a name for this connection (acord, for example). Enter a name and
press OK.
7. In the next dialog box to display, choose “Direct to Com 1” from the
Connect using
field. The other fields
on this screen are not applicable for this procedure.
8. The next screen will allow you to define a baud rate of 115,200, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and None for the
parity and flow control. You may use the other baud rates listed on this screen (you must match the baud
rate at the host computer with the one you select in this screen), but 115,200 bps will insure the quickest
download. Press OK.