XX091-04-01 Rev 104 AurorAcorD
How do I define the rate at which normal and alarm video will be recorded?
1. Access the Record Control screen as shown below.
1 Record Setup
2 Playback Setup
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Display Setup
2 Camera Setup
3 Alarm Setup
4 Serial Port Setup
5 Time/Date Setup
6 Record/Playback Setup
7 System Setup
8 Disk Functions
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Setup Record Cameras
2 Modify Camera Sequence
3 Start Record
4 Stop Record
5 Normal Rate: 15 fps
6 Alarm Quality: Highest
7 Alarm Rate: Maximum
Sensitivity: Normal
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
2. For the Normal Rate setting, define the frames per second that video will be recorded during normal (no
active alarms) conditions:
1-15 frames/second
(between 20 to 30 frames/second for NTSC) or
. Set the rate to Off to record only alarm video.
3. Access the Alarm Rate setting. The alarm rate is the rate that alarm video is recorded and may be set to
frames per second or
(between 20 to 30 frames/second for NTSC).
Note: Higher normal and alarm rates will send data to the hard drive quicker, which will use your available
storage space quicker and decrease the amount of time that you can record. Quality and sensitivity
setting also affect storage space and recording time, as discussed in the next section.
Screen Field
Record Control
Normal Rate
1-15 frames/sec, Maximum, Off
15 frames/sec
Alarm Rate
1-15 frames/sec, Maximum, Off
How do I define the quality of the alarm and normal video?
Note: The quality of normal video and the sensitivity level affect the recording time and the rate at which hard
drive space is used. If the recording time and/or hard drive space are concerns, refer to the section
How do I maximize recording time or hard drive usage?.
1. Access the Record Control screen as shown below.
1 Record Setup
2 Playback Setup
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Display Setup
2 Camera Setup
3 Alarm Setup
4 Serial Port Setup
5 Time/Date Setup
6 Record/Playback Setup
7 System Setup
8 Disk Functions
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Setup Record Cameras
2 Modify Camera Sequence
3 Start Record
4 Stop Record
5 Normal Rate: 15 fps
6 Alarm Quality: Highest
7 Alarm Rate: Maximum
Sensitivity: Normal
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Loopback Mode: Disabled
2 Adjust Record Cameras
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
1 Camera 1: Highest
2 Camera 2: Normal
3 Camera 3: Normal
4 Camera 4: Normal
5 Camera 5: Normal
6 Camera 6: Normal
7 Camera 7: Normal
Camera 8: Normal
to Choose. to Go Back.
or 1-16 to Select.
2. Set the Sensitivity setting to Highest. This will enable you to test the Quality settings more effectively, as
the update will not be dependent upon motion activity.
3. Access the Setup Record Cameras screen.
4. Set the Loopback Mode to Enabled. Loopback mode is a special mode that allows you to view video as it
will look when recorded, but without having to actually record the video. This will provide a convenient
way to determine the visual quality needed for each camera.
5. Select Adjust Record Cameras, which will display the Record Camera Quality screen.
6. Change the quality for camera 1 using the onscreen instructions.
7. If you can see enough video with the menu system onscreen, proceed to the next step. If not, view the
menu on the spot monitor and use the Main Display monitor to view the camera video.
8. The message “Loopback Mode Active” should display at the top of the screen.
9. Change the quality setting of the same camera and repeat the procedure to view the video at this setting.